“A comprehensive programme which explores
British values in their own context”
– Richard Rose Morton Academy Inspection Report 2014

About ABC
ABC Success can provide your school with the continuity from which your students will benefit after hearing Hannah speak…
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During the content creation phase of production Hannah mapped every aspect of ABC Success around Ofsted’s Oustanding framework…
Hannah’s Welcome
ABC Success has seen some amazing results this year, 2015, and I am incredibly proud of the staff and students who have worked so hard. The team who feature as video guest speakers on the programme have provided thousands of students with content rich, inspiring messages week on week and they deserve a standing ovation for giving their time to make a difference. The programme will continue to strive for excellence in education.
I have always been devoted to making a positive and powerful impact on young people to help them create a more resilient attitude towards their learning and future aspirations.
As a speaker I don’t believe in doing the ‘Inspiration drive-by’ of arriving at your school, delivering one assembly or a workshop and then running off with a chunk of your budget. I believe schools deserve much more sustainability, continuity, value and quality than that and as a result I have set and expect high standards of delivery from myself and the ABC Success programme.
As a year 11 student, my personal experience of many teachers showing great emotional intelligence in their line of work and going far above and beyond what is expected of them in the job, inspired me to continue their legacy. Working with the staff is certainly one of my favourite aspects of the programme. I’m a firm believer that as teachers, you are the parent away from home.
I have embedded my passion for education, young people and the teachers who shape their lives at the heart of the ABC Success programme through its core values:
(A)ccountability & (A)ttitude: Hold ourselves responsible for our own success and encourage and support others to be the best version of themselves to develop an (A)ttitude for excellence.
(B)elief & (B)ehaviour: Focus on our ability to achieve our top goals and aspirations by developing positive (B)ehaviours, determination, resilience and removing limiting beliefs and ‘self sabotage’.
(C)hoice & (C)hance: Seize every opportunity to make our aspirations and self expectations a reality by taking chances to grow and learn from our experiences and those of others.
I hope you enjoy your visit here and I look forward to potentially working with you in the future to create that continuity your staff, your school and its students deserve.
Hannah Kennedy-Jackson FPSA
The results speak for themselves!
Hannah has always been keen to measure the impact of ABC Success and 2014-2015 has seen some incredible results…
Check out the transformation which happened after Hannah formed a PARE group and ran the programme with them.