Hannah knows it is hard to maintain the ‘buzzing atmosphere’ once speakers have delivered. She has worked closely with headteachers, senior leaders and professional speakers to develop an 18-week highly effective follow up programme.
ABC Success can provide your school with the continuity from which your students will benefit after hearing Hannah speak. The programme runs for 18 weeks to ensure the skills and values within ABC are embedded into their lives.
Having worked within education, Hannah knows how valuable learning time is and therefore has designed ABC to be run outside of the curriculum, during form/registration period. This can also help strengthen the relationship between your students and their form tutors. Hannah believes registration is one of the most important times of the day for students as this will be their first formal interaction they have with a teacher each day and should help set them up for the day ahead.
Watch this video to see an example of the programme content.
Phase 1
This phase ensures students, staff and parents are ‘speaking the same language’ and all are aware of Hannah’s ABC values.
- 45 minute keynote presentation including Q&A session (Students)
- 45 minute keynote presentation including Q&A session (Staff)
- 45 minute keynote presentation including Q&A session (Parents)
- Up to 20 x 30 minute 1:1s with the most challenging students (Pupil Premium- FSM6 & CLA, NEET’s or C-D Borderlines)
- 30 minute ABC Success staff training workshop
Phase 2
This Phase intensely embeds the values discussed within Hannah’s presentation over a 6 week period via 10 minute highly inspiring and motivating video clips with weekly challenges.
Phase 3
Students will undertake the second six videos in fortnightly succession, giving them a period of reflection between each challenge. This phase aims to encourage the students to continue practising the ABC values and reflect on the progress they have made over the past weeks.
Each of your students will be given a high quality ABC workbook to document their progress over the 18 weeks. This is personal to them and a place in which they are able to express themselves as individuals after hearing the messages on the ABC Programme.
Your students will be set weekly challenges within the workbook aimed at testing their resilience, mindset, attitudes and leadership skills. These challenges are supported by a set of comprehensive teaching resources including lesson plans and teachers guides to make life easier for your staff.
The content of the programme is provided to you on a branded USB stick to be uploaded onto your shared staff drive. Each USB contains a directory of the speakers featured throughout the programme should you wish to hire one of them personally.