Author Archives: Hannah Kennedy-Jackson

The children beyond mainstream education

Pupil Referral Units: The children beyond mainstream education To view the full article from The Independent click the link above. In between various tasks from within my office I often glance at various newspapers and online articles relating to education. They are often filled with statistics, results, celebrations, budgets and new schools reforms…varying yet ironically repetitive. ...

World Teachers Day

Teachers nationally have been celebrating their profession and TES released a great article compiling a list of their favourite responses to the questions ‘why did you became a teacher?’ and ‘why you have remained a teacher?’. The responses are inspiring! Take a look. Whilst teachers across the country have been commenting on why they became a teacher, ...

Quick tip for Pastoral Conversations

Open your heart and share a little with them and they will share all with you.
Every time I find myself having a ‘difficult’ conversation with a student who is on the verge of disclosing something which is cause for concern it has always followed my keynote. I have just spent the past 45 minutes sharing my story and as a result created a sense of connection and common ground between ...